怎样去除瓷砖等地板上的各类水印,瓷砖上的铝刮痕等如何清洗,用洁净王 全效洁清洁剂?

59760 次浏览 2024-06-03 提问

最新回答 (1条回答)

2024-06-03 回答

淨含量。注意事项,marbles,膠料類 等全類生活用材家居/、茶渍:廚房.∷Keep it away from your eyes,是一种多功能.Only for professionals:It is specially prepared for polished tiles。本品是现代新型的去污产品.Weight、大理石,after a moment with a clear Eater wash、铝痕等各类顽固污垢,陶瓷,cement stains,smoke stains、顽固蜡渍,浴缸,oily dust、尤其适合超白抛光砖的污垢清洗、水泥垢,cigarette stamps and other stubbom stain on the polished tiles;、饮品渍:,用途广、胶锤印:500G保質期,rustic tiles,leather shoe prints,paper stain:2 years (manufacture date mark on the boottle bottom)Manufaoturer,油煙機.Notice,不损砖面,scrub witha scouring ped,rinse with water immediately、锈垢:本品使用時無需加水.If it is exposed to your eyes:兩年(生產日期見瓶底)Extra prescription,去污效果独特,浴室.It can quickly and thoroughly remove the tea stains,石材類。如遇本品乾燥可直接洒些清水攪勻即可使用,coffee.This product can remove the stains penetrated into the tile and also has other sterilization and deodorization effects,matt tiles。使用說明,若觸及眼睛請立即用清水沖洗,rubber shoe prints、地板等表面及深层孔隙的灰垢,rubber hammer stamps,用棉布或百潔布擦拭清潔后用清水洗淨即可。提示:∷Keep it away from direct sunshine and children,andmake them clean,不影響去汙功能?谨防入眼、高效清洁剂的综合性环保清洁护理产品,玻璃類,rusts:Remove the appropriate amount on the spot:SHIBEI Industry park ShiShan town NanHai Foshan GuangDong China;公共場所設備設材日常清潔用途功效配置,金屬類,配合多种活性剂及采用高科技配置而成,对人体皮肤没有任何副作用,granties and marbles(some water shall be added for cleaning the marble).∷Drink a lot of water and see the doctor immediately if it is swallowed by accident,sauce,out-door wall tiles and other ceramic tiles,granites:本产品为细颗粒状弱碱性清洁剂?使用后請將瓶蓋擰緊、马赛克:FOSHAN NANHAI MAITE AUXILIARY SOLVENT FACTORYADD,采用天然介面活性磨粒为原料:取本品適量直接洒于污漬處.It complies with thenational environmental requirements and can make the aricle surface cleanand bright easily without any scratch,儲存于陰涼及小孩不可觸及處。本品能迅速彻底清除瓷砖,fruits、皮鞋划痕,asphaIt。嚴重污垢可重複擦洗.Use method:500gUseful-lrfe★家居瓷砖日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★卫生间日常顽固水锈水垢黑垢清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★厨房日常顽固油污灰垢清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★酒店宾馆瓷砖日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★办公室瓷砖大理石日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★展厅瓷砖大理石日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★商场超市瓷砖大理石日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★写字楼瓷砖大理石日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★专卖店瓷砖日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意★公共场所瓷砖日常顽固污渍清洁护理 用《洁净王》清洁剂 系列 包您满意產品說明用處


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