
73766 次浏览 2024-06-19 提问

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2024-06-19 回答

a cosmetics box, two small stools, and a drawer under the bed for shoes
and socks. Storage was limited to a garment rack, the Ming bedroom contained one or two sleeping couch-beds (for the homeowner and/or a guest): “form follows function, a small table, a small cabinet. Neutral tones were considered most appropriate for the Ming
bedroom-no “colored pictures or painted surfaces.” Simple and
Classic Chinese furniture adheres to the same rule that continues to
dominate contemporary designThe bedroom of the lodge was concerned with the utilitarian aspects of Ming life, and a reading lantern

追问Please speak Chinese回答客栈房间充满了明朝生活的实用与功利。 经典的中式家具,遵循着继续主导当代设计的相同的规则: “方格雕花功能”。朴实无华,明朝的卧室包含一个或两个睡塌(让房主和/或客人用的),一张小桌子,两张小凳子,还有一盏读书用的灯笼。仅限于装下一个衣架的衣柜,一个妆奁匣子,一个小柜子和床下装鞋袜用的一只抽屉。中性的色调被认为是最合适的明代卧室的无彩画或者表层漆。


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